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Gustav Mahlerplein 28

1082 MA Amsterdam


+31 (0)20 331 94 52


  • Actief sinds 2008
  • 6 - 10 medewerkers

At TheTalentSource, we’re not recruiters. We’re highly trained headhunters, with an eye for unique Talent. Our team has years of experience in the Online, Marketing and Communications sector. And the network that comes with it. We work hard and take our work personal. Aiming not only for the best match, but actively inspiring our Talent to reach their full potential. By finding the job they love, in an environment that makes them thrive. 

We have a network of A-list Talent, with their own network of A-Listers. Placing ads or asking for resumes is not our style. We prefer to actively and personally search for professionals as ambitious as we are. Guaranteeing you the very best Talents for the ultimate balance in your company.

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